Save me with lifesavers

Can you take me with my sins?
Just a little, bit
Even if they're too heavy to carry, with
To bear with
To listen to

Please listen to them
Just like the moon and the sun
Listen to one another
Call it an eclipse
But I call it a fortunate friendship.

Their our perfect example
To teach us how to listen
To listen with silence
The silence that screams,
For nurture and understanding.
Their our perfect example to
Teach us how to walk in
Each other’s shadow

Step in my shadow
Trace my arms with yours
and feel my pain, ma

It’s like walking on earth with an astronaut’s suit.
Heavy as hell
I’m in hell, ma.

I once heard, it was important
If you loved someone, to love their pain too.
Because pain is what we are
Where we’ve come from
And the evidence that we’re human and we
At least we’re supposed to

Let your tears hug mine
So tight
Let me tell you what burns my heart so

My smiles come back broken now a days, ma
It’s unbearable.

But I didn’t want to disappoint you.
Never that.
Not even close
I just feel since we have an honest relationship
You need to see me up close.
Just as you wanted to protect me,
I wanted to protect you
An extra dose
of lifesavers
Can save ma.
I need you to save me, ma

I just need to let it out
Because it follows me, ma
Everywhere I dare to look at
Anytime I try to look back

Look at me
I’m a walking dead corpse
It’s a dead force
Trying to strangle me
‘til I choke
On my own spit
Like I choke on my own sins.


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