A Stubborn Heart Is Deaf and Blind

The most annoying thing in the world is to have people trying to seduce you and be with you after you repeatedly have said no.
 I mean for God's sake,
The more I run the more they find me
we can be friends and no I don't mean --friends with benefits--, I mean actual friends, and no I don't mean --friends now and maybe date later--
no, I don't care for it, I don't want it, I am not looking for it.
don't call me 'baby' because we never established a 'baby' relationship if in fact a relationship at all. Shit, you use 'baby' so loosely I begin to think its a meaningless term for you to count your conquests.
     But you don't need to conquer me because I am no land, no property, I belong to myself and I am in no desire to be in your list of cross-outs and question marks.
Call me arrogant but that's just because you're mad at the fact I am not giving you what you want, which in fact it only proves your disrespect towards me and your lack of listening skills for a woman's 'no'. So if in fact I were to give you a chance in the mere future I know it wouldn't work because you already lack to respect my decisions and you lack take my mind seriously. And My mind is important to me.
      The idea of having a relationship right now,
with the goo-goo-ga-ga, and the public kisses,
the teddy bears and chocolates on valentines day
 and the I'll always be here for you crap
 with the I'll never leave you nonsense---no thanks, been there, suffered that.
     It's repulsive and repetitive at this point in my life. And of course, I'll probably do it again or want to have it again because that's who we are, masochists by nature.

But right now your pick up lines bore me to the point I roll my eyes--they're dull,
and your sob stories of how all your ex's were assholes to you, sounds like bullshit to me,
and I just don't have an interest in entertaining love right now or anyone.

Or perhaps I am looking for the man I love in another man.
Because if I don't find him in others, I don't care for it.
I want his political passion and Leftist Marxism, Leninism stance
I want the look he gives me when he says I love you
I want his different accents whispered in my ear
I want the dedication he gave me, I want the loyalty he gave me,
I want our fight to keep each other
I want to see the same face I see in him when I make love to him,
I want all of him, and since I can't have him or clone him,
I don't want anyone.
My heart is closed,
he took it and denies to give it back.

to be continued....


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