Unconditional Love (Short Story)

The Girl Met the boy of her dreams on a sunny afternoon while she walked the wide streets of New York City. He was quiet but spoke so passively like he knew every answer in the world, like he could take her out of any dirty ditch she could be in any day, like he was in control. He had Caramel Skin, dark brown eyes, and a smile that lit up with his dimples. The girl wasn't happy with herself, so having someone like him was magical for her.

Dear Diary,
omg! Today he told me that he wanted me to be his girl, and I was so happy I jumped up and down! He makes me feel so complete. I was dreaming of the day me and him could be together, like living together you know? I can't stand my mom. She's so annoying! She told me to wash the dishes when I didn't even eat dinner! Shoo, she should wash her own dishes.

"I wanna tell you something." The boy said one day.
The girl nodded with a smile.
"You're the best girl I ever met."
The girl nodded with a smirk on her face.

"No, seriously you are. I mean you're so different than most of these girl out here, they act like...well you know. I just want something real." Then the boy made a sad face. "You're not gonna hurt me right baby? I mean I know you won't but these guys out here are persuasive. I mean, what if you don't talk to guys on the phone like that anymore. I mean 'cause they might make you leave me."

Dear Diary,
I'm going to talk to my baby later on. You should meet him. He ALWAYS listens to me. My parents never listen like he does. It's like he stares at you in the eye and reads your mind like he's done it a hundred times before.

He called me a few hours later. " Hi baby, How was your day?"
The girl was silent for a few seconds. " Fine," She said finally.

If only he knew that he killed her just a few hours ago. To the girl, his sweet voice didn't seem to match with the guy she saw not so long ago.It was like two different people. A few hours ago, she had walked down the stairs to the bodega, where he was waiting. She saw him from the corner of her eye. Like the perfect liar, there he was: kissing another girl.

Dear Diary,
Maybe it wasn't him. Well, I did see a lipstick mark on his shirt. No, what am I saying, it wasn't him, He would never do that to me. He said he loves me. So, why do I feel sad and heavy? It must be something else, well I need to call him then he'll think i'm talking to another boy and then he'll def. be upset. Talk to you later.

The girl met the boy of her dreams on a sunny afternoon while she walked the wide streets of New York City. He still calls her on the phone and she still picks up. He still tells her that she's different from other girls and she still smiles. He is still the boy of her dreams and she will always be the best girl he's ever met. No one notices, but she walks in the eyes of despair, letting him walk all over her in the footsteps of the devil, stepping on anything she could harvest, but at least she's not alone. She's afraid to be alone again.

By Denisse Cotto AKA Poet Nissy


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