You only remember to love on holidays

Do you feel your heartbeat?
Is it singing it's favorites song?
Can you feel it without putting your hand in your chest?
Or do you only feel it in valentines day?
See, the ones that get heart attacks are the lucky ones..
They get to feel the organ that was meant to feel
Without putting their hands in their chest
But at least they get to remember it's there
Trying to let you know
That you are allowed to feel
That men that don't cry are lying to you
They do it when you're not watching
And the ones that let you see, they actually have cojones to face you
And when it's beating faster it means it's screaming at you
But you don't listen

Your ears are paying too much attention to the cars passing by
To the limousine for prom
To your wife complaining again
To your husband coming late again
To that boy In school that never pays attention to you
To that girl passing by making you think " maybe I can get some tonight" what happens when you're done? Did you feel the love or the same craving for the next girl that at the end you get tired of? Do you feel like a man now?
You're not even close!

Your teachers forgot to teach you how to feel when others are in pain.
That's why we see heart attacks as a sickness,
When really it's a Sigh that we don't feel enough,
That we are selfish enough to leave those in need and not feel remorse
Because we see love as a disease that
Cowards run away from.

Why do you think there's no cure?
Just ask my friend Rita, she's 12
And she knows this more than you
She lives in Costa Rica
And she is one of the many stories that are shut, one of the many that men travel thousands of miles because she is like her country "Que rica"
She is one of the many que gritan when a man lays on top of her, "I'm making you a women tonight".

It's too graphic for you ?
You can't bare to hear it?

Well guess what she has to feel it everyday
And not only from him..

She is a slave to your fantasies you bastard! And bystanders let her be yanked From playing with dolls to playing with men

Its just too hard to handle and plus its not happening to you, right?
Why do you think many people don't know about human trafficking?
Because we still want to live in the American dream, where everything is perfect with a housewife and two children in a nice home,

Ladies and gentleman
I'm sorry to inform you this is just like it's titled
A dream! bullshit! No puedes tapar el sol con un dedo.
Love it's the power humanity lacks
That we try to hide on Feb. 14
Just like some Christians try to cover their sins through the bible forgetting God sees it all,
Forgetting that he can sense whether you really have faith or you're trying to.
Forgetting that God sees your memory coming back to remember him on Xmas and thanksgiving
Asking him to make your life better.
Hoping then God would remember you prayed on that single day and will save you when the end of the world happens.

And then you ask why do hurricanes earthquakes 9/11 holocausts happen? This world is rotten!
Don't you know that mother nature gets tired too?
She sees how ugly we are, how not all the make up in the world, not even cover girl could cover how disgusting and cruel we are.
Heart attacks it's a sigh that humanity Stinks to Earth
Heart attack survivors
don't need to drink the vitamin water labeled "revive"
Because sadly we only transform when we live traumatic experiences
Bringing us to unity, until we have to be reminded.

You remember to be cold again just because everyone else is.
That's when Lorealle comes to place because everything realll comes out the corners like roaches.

So I agree that the words written in the bible have been written in vain. When at the end our goal is to save ourselves.
Religion has forgotten God, they just used His name for power to control the weak and the needy.
It's how people control other people, with God's wishes.
True love doesn't have to be Romeo and Juliet " marry me or I'll die type of thing" but it's about what we Should start to define humans rather than being a mistake rather than being an incompetent to feel
We Are selfish ever since our day of birth
When teachers had to teach us sharing is caring, when they are too hypocrites.

Do you feel your heart beat?
Is it slowing down?
it means you only remembered to love in holidays.

By Denisse Cotto A.K.A NISSY


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